Rahul Deol | Københavnersnuden #148


We are switching to English in this week’s ‘Københavnersnude'(‘Copenhagener of the week’). Today we are meeting up with Rahul Deol, who’s living in Copenhagen with his Danish girlfriend. Raul is originally from Edmonton, Canada, but today he is our go-to-guy for tips to Copenhagen.


LC: What are you up to at the moment?  
RD: I am here in Copenhagen on what is called a Working Holiday Visa. It’s a program that allows young people in partnering countries to travel and work. I have a job as a bartender at a whiskey bar called Dispensary in Nørrebro, but back home in Canada i am an accountant. But I tell people I am a crime fighting lumberjack because being an accountant from Canada sounds boring.

LC: Where do you live? 
RD: I live in Vesterbro with my girlfriend.

LC: Your favourite place to take a walk in Copenhagen?  
RD: Sønder Blvd is always nice because it has a mix of places to eat, drink, or lounge on the grass. Access to areas where I can lounge is critical to my lifestyle.

LC: Where do you drink your coffee? 
RD: I don’t drink coffee but if I did I imagine it would be somewhere with a clean and simple design so I could concentrate writing my screenplay about a crime fighting lumberjack from Canada.

LC: Your favourite place to eat? 
RD: Mad and Kaffe is really great.


LC: Your favourite bar?
RD: I met my girlfriend at Mesteren & Lærlingen in the Meatpacking District so it has a special place in my heart. Plus I found 50 kr. on the ground there once.

LC: Your favourite place to get inspiration? 
RD: I don’t think it’s ’where’ necessarily for me but ’when’. And it’s usually on nice days when you see people outside just enjoying themselves.

LC: Your favourite place in Copenhagen?
RD: I like the Meatpacking District; good party and usually good food. Ability to lounge on the floor isn’t that great though – did I mention that’s important to me?

LC: When have you last felt in love with/in Copenhagen? 
RD: May 2015 at the Meatpacking District where I met my girlfriend… is my cheesy answer. But more recently this cool place in Nørrebro that I found where I can train thai boxing called Copenhagen Muay Thai.

LC: Your best memory in Copenhagen?
RD: Meeting my girlfriend is always my favorite. More recently my friends from Edmonton, Canada visited and we had a pretty legendary night that ended at Andy’s Bar, so that too.


LC: Your recommendation to anyone visiting Copenhagen?
RD: Kick it in Vesterbro, it has a good vibe.

LC: What is missing in Copenhagen?
RD: I think Copenhagen is great how it is, it’s hard not to like. Could use some more hockey rinks though..

LC: Your soundtrack to Copenhagen?
RD: Vince Staples – Fish theory

Thanks for sharing your Copenhagen with us, Rahul!